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o Issue N# 4 - 2016 o


Ganglioneuroma in saharan environment: Ana­ly­sis of a case and review of literature

Authors : Keita MA, Diarra K, Kone FI, Konate N, Dao S, Soumaoro S, Guindo B, Traore L, Doumbia K, Timbo SK, AG Mohamed A. (Bamako)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2016;137,4:101-104.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : Objectives: To study the diagnostic and thera­peu­tic cervical aspects of a ganglioneuroma. Material and Method: Analyze clinical case and review of literature on a case colligé in hospi­ta­lization of ORL with the CHU Gabriel Touré of Bamako. Mali. Results: AT, 6 years, female sex, peulh, raise, of natio­na­lity Malian, resident in Bamako in his parents, were allowed in hospitalization ORL 10/12/2013 for a right latéro-cervical tumefaction. This tumefaction had evolved/moved for 3 years, in a nonfeverish context and without tendency to spon­ta­­neous fistulisation, with catch ofprogressive volume. In its antecedents were raised a otorrhée adenectomy and one homo­latérale. With the examination of admission, tumefaction was latéro-cervical high, right, with a skin in glance carrying one heals incision on appro­ximately 3 cm. With palpation it was about a mass of 6 cm large diameter, painless, of firm consis­tency, of regular contour, mobile compared to the plans surface and major and on which beat in a pulsatile way the external jugular vein homolatérale. Tumefaction took the Iia group and III. The cervical tomodensitometry directed towards a homo­geneous hypodensity of tissue type ovalaire noninvasive taking all the right latéro-cervical area. The surgical exérèse of the tumour was carried out the 12/02/2014 pennies general anaes­the­sia with ganglionic clearing out selective of the group IIa and III, the operational continuations were without charac­te­ristic. The anatomopathologic study of the surgical part of exérèse was the key of the diagnosis with the contri­bution of the immuno­histochimy. With a post-operative passing 12 months, the patient goes well. Conclusion: The ganglioneuromes are very rare tumours, in front of a chronic cervical mass of the child, one must think of it the more so as their diagnosis passes by a complete surgical clearing out only pledge of cure and the contri­bution of immuno-marking.

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