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o Issue N# 2 - 2014 o


F0 characteristics in Parkinsonian speech: Contrast between the effect of hypodopaminergy due to Parkinson’s disease and that of the therapeutic delivery of L-Dopa

Authors : Ghio A, Robert D, Grigoli C, Mas M, Delooze C, Mercier C, Viallet F. (Aix-en-Provence)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2014;135,2:63-70.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : Voice and speech impairments are frequent in Parkinson’s disease, particularly when the disease is at an advanced stage. These impairments affect spoken communication and may become a serious disability for someone with Parkinson’s disease. Many studies based on auditory-perceptual or acoustic methods have been carried out to characterize dysarthria. The heterogeneity of evaluation methods and experimental bias however make results difficult to understand. For instance, in terms of phonatory impairments and with regard to F0, results are contradictory : PD speech may be characterized by either higher F0 or lower F0 compared to control subjects, or there may be no difference at all between the two population. In this study, we aim to provide a conceptual and methodological framework which allows for interpreting the results obtained from 44 speakers (29 PD and 15 control subjects) in relation to physiological (gender, age, PD subjects’ pharmacologic state) and linguistic (speech production tasks) constraints. For the present corpus, we did not observe any F0 mean difference between the two groups. Our results however reveal a significant increase in F0 mean in PD subjects under L-dopa. We assume a double and opposite effect on F0 mean during drug withdrawal : low sub-glottal pressure, due to PD, results in a decrease in F0, while laryngeal rigidity leads to an increase in F0. These two effects thus mutually annihilate. Under L-Dopa, however, the drug effect increases sub-glottal pressure, which combined with an increase in F0 due to rigidity, leads to a global increase in F0.

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