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o Issue N# 2 - 2012 o


Vascular tumors of the nasal cavities: A retrospective study of 10 cases

Authors : Fassih M, Taali L, Abada A, Rouadi S, Roubal M, Mahtar M, Essaadi M, El Kadiri F. (Casablanca)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2012;133,2:87-92.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : Vascular tumors of the sinus cavities are rarely documen­ted in the literature. They are characterized by a histological diversity. They can be benign or malignant. The most common histologic type is the hemangioma. Their management is not well codified, it benefited from advances in modern imaging and endoscopic surgery. The objective of the work is to study anatomical and clinical characteristics, therapeutic and outcome. Patients and methods: The observations of 10 vas­cu­lar tumors of the nasal cavities collected between January 2009 and July 2011 were studied retrospectively. The management of these tumors was based on nasal endoscopy, imaging, biopsy, and some angiography for embolization. The epidemiological para­meters, histopathological, clinical, therapeutic and out­come were studied. Results: The average age was 25.4 years, male was marked with a sex ratio of 4. Epistaxis was the revea­ling sign. All tumors were benign, with a predominance of the hemangioma (4 cases), followed by angiofibroma of the septum (3 cases) and nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (3 cases). All patients were operated, by endonasal technique in 7cas/10 and transfacial road in 3 cases. Embolization was performed in 5 patients, there were two hemangiomas and 3 nasopharyngeal fibromas. No case of recurrence has been noted so far. Conclu­sion: The vascular tumors of the nasal cavities are difficult to treat, especially when they reach a large volume and at an exten­sion to adjacent areas, which makes the surgical proce­dure difficult and bloody. The use of selective emboli­za­tion in these cases is required.

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