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o Issue N# 5 - 2004 o


Letter of the presidence

Authors : L. Crevier-Buchman (Paris)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2004;125,5:275-276.

Article published in french

Summary : Dear colleagues, dear friends,
I would like to thank you for trusting me and I ensure you that I will continue the scientific action of the French Society of Phoniatry and of Pathologies of communication.
One of the technical tools which will allow us to achieve our goals is to use more and more the Internet, for a better diffusion of the information as well as for the calls for lectures and the tenders of abstracts. Colloquium Society (12 rue de la Croix-Faubin, F-75557 Paris Cedex 11, France - Tel: 0033 1 44 64 14 93 - Email: phoniatrie@colloquium.fr) will help us for a good management of the accounts. Please do not hesitate to give them your email address.
As for our Society itself, I would like to encourage both lectures on fundamental research which allow us to think about the dynamic of communication in a broad way (perception and production), and clinical works which can improve our daily exercise.
At the time of the 2005 congress, in addition to the 15 minutes of presentations, I would like to organize 1 or 2 round tables or 30 minutes conferences with invited lecturers; your proposals shall be welcomed and have to get to the secretariat before the end of March 2005; deadline for the abstracts before April 15, 2005.
We continue our collaboration with the Revue de Laryngologie Otologie Rhinologie (European Review of ENT) which publishes our presentations in a special issue as well as the report of our General Assembly. The subscription to this special issue is included in your contribution. It is an international review which is indexed in the data bases.
In addition to the DIU of Phoniatrics, organized by Pr Bruno Frachet (0033 1 48 95 52 01), I would like to draw your attention on the Academic diploma of clinical phonetics (DEA and LMD). This teaching is delivered both:
1 in Marseille under the responsibility of Pr Antoine Giovanni at the Laboratory of Audio-phonology of the Hospital de la Timone (http://lapc.free.fr) and Pr Noël Nguyen, CNRS, Lpl-umr6057 responsible for the Laboratory of Phonetics at the University of Aix in Provence.
1 the other in Paris under the responsibility of Pr Jacqueline Vaissière, CNRS, Lpp-umr7018, director of the Ecole doctorale de Paris III and of the Laboratory of Phonetics and Phonology (http://www.cavi.univ-paris3.fr/ilpga/ed/) and of myself at the Laboratory of Voix-Parole-Déglutiton for the clinical part at the European Hospital Georges Pompidou (lise.buchman@numericable.fr).
A 1st Day of clinical Phonetics will be organized on March 11, 2005 in Paris to present the research works of both teams and the future collaborations and developments in this approach. You can contact us and visit our site http://www.cavi.univ-paris3.fr/ilpga/jpc-2005/ on line as you like.
Our Society needs new energies, we encourage you to propose your candidacy for the Council of Administration.
Sincerely yours
Dr Lise Crevier-Buchman


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